Top 5 Misconceptions

Top 5 Misconceptions About DJ’s

5. To be a DJ all you really need is an ipod and a stereo system – DJ’s need an extensive knowledge of music. This knowledge must encompass 70+ years of popular music styles. Guests often make requests without knowing either the correct song title or artist and the DJ must be able to figure out the request.

4. All the equipment fits in the back of my Toyota Sedan – Professional audio gear is big and heavy. It does not fit in the trunk of a typical passenger car. Vans and trucks are essential in transporting professional sound and lighting systems.

3. Good parties just happen – Good parties don’t just happen on their own without some guidance. The key is timing and experience. The only person who has control of the pace is the DJ who starts and stops the party with the music and microphone.

2. DJ’s have a lot of fun at parties and get paid for it – DJ’s are not guests at parties. They are working under pressure and have a huge responsibility for the outcome of the event. People often rank their weddings as the most important day of their lives next to their children being born. Yet they will give this responsibility to the lowest bidder. The stress levels and expectations run very high during these events.

The Number 1 Misconception About DJ’s is…

1. They are all pretty much the same – To say that DJ’s are all alike is to say people are all alike. Never assume that recorded music levels the playing field. Personalities on the microphone can vary as much as people’s voices. Experience and music knowledge makes a big difference. DJ’s have their own unique style, music and presentations. A good DJ can adjust their style to fit the event. A presentation at a high school dance should be a lot different than that of a wedding for a couple in their thirties. Experienced DJ’s know the difference and you should also be aware of the many subtle and substantial differences that distinguish DJ’s.